Friday, November 26, 2010

The White Whale of Separation

    So this coming Saturday is a big GHP reunion... Now, reader, I do not feel like going into detail about GHP, what GHP was, how GHP made me and everyone feel, or what the withdrawal of GHP was like, but I will tell you that there is nothing more that I would rather do than go to this GHP reunion this Saturday.  Unfortunately, I'm the furthest alum from the GHP focal point, and so I won't be able to see anyone, ever, because I'll never have a means of getting to them.  Separation sucks ass.  Frugal people suck ass.  Life can be shit sometimes, y'know?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Our White Whale

     Conflict is like syrup; you try to wipe it off, but you're stuck with a sticky residue, and whatever you happen to grab is then inflicted with that viscous, irksome touch.  The only way to eradicate conflict, to overcome problems, is to face them head-on.  Don't beat around the bush; don't mince words, for every word minced is an ounce of clarity lost.  And without clarity, nothing  can be solved.  For, to come out of conflict, two must reach clarity, clarity about a situation.  There is no answer in a misunderstanding, so seek the clarity, seek the understanding, and solve the conflict. 
     I have my own conflicts presently.  Lavinia, a dear friend of mine, has mixed, confused feelings for me, and it creates this annoying jazz.  Not annoying that she has problems; everyone has problems, but you have to look at each person's problems as unique and individual, otherwise we are all lost in that sea of unoriginality that exists below the surface, but annoying in that the sticky substance is starting to spread.  I want to ground the conflict into the dirt and seek clarity with her--I love her, and I don't want there to be any problems.  But how do you solve a conflict when the conflict isn't so translucent?  No, indeed the problem is opaque, like looking down a mine shaft at midnight during a New Moon phase.  But I am determined to fix the problem, I'll just have to have patience, but she's most certainly worth it.

Thanks for bloggin'!